Hold them accountable!

It all started when...

This is a record of the "CSR" that I experienced with Grasshopper dispensary in Ventura CA. After not being able to buy several of their limited options, due to the fact that their wax was packaged in wax paper, which I had to inform their self-identified "manager" was incredibly health hazardous, I settled on the only three options that were not packaged inappropriately: 2 in parchment paper, and 1 in a plastic container. The first two were OK, the Berry White was way better than the Sour OG, which tasted like butter (if you've listened to my potcast I talked about it) I chose to use both of those first as they were pull n snap, my preferred type. 

By the time I got around to the Gorilla Glue wax it was a couple weeks later. I always weigh my products before I start using them, when I can. Usually I try to weigh them right away, but I didn't on this one. That was my bad. When I finally got around to it, it was clear there was no way this was going to make it to 1.0, it was barely able to make it to 0.7! 

So I called the listed number, thinking I'd be leaving a message since it was almost an hour before they opened. But to my surprise someone answered, apologized and said they would send someone out to deal with it within the hour. 

About five minutes later I got a text message in reply, and this fucking ridiculousness is what followed. 


I know I was quick to the f bombs, but I usually am...also, who the hell practices their customer service over TEXT MESSAGING?! 

If they actually wanted to communicate with me, they would have come over or called me back instead of insisting on text messaging me so they could accuse me from the safety of their anonymity.  Not anonymous anymore....

One last photo, to show you where their menu has the Gorilla Glue looking VERY similar to mine. Don't even know their own menu *smh*