Ep 84 - I Cannabis Change: Injuries and Perspectives
Change is hard. Be it the body or the mind, change is hard. And trauma and injury can bring sudden, painful changes. Cannabis helps us cope, and get back to homeostasis as quickly as possible, with some nuances of course. Access and education make all the difference, and Papa & Barkley reps hooking up the transdermal patches have really given me the access to educate myself about how to best apply this innovation. And it couldn't have come at a better time. Yoga has me doing some intense physical healing lately that has some of my emotional healing in a state that feels a lot like being on hold. Limbo isn't fun, but cannabis can at least make it tolerable. Stay positive! The right options makes all the difference when we're talking about healthcare, and it's been a struggle finding the best way of dealing with the pain of an injury, while not disrupting my regular medical cannabis routine. So naturally I'm SO grateful for the samples I can get to help me discover answers as quickly and cheaply as possible! I also share some tips about other cannabinoids like CBN and CBG (or is it CBGA?!) I've come across in my research, both online and in the kitchen. As we Safety I go over my Goldilocks-esque experience in trying to make the most effective use of these Papa & Barkley patches. Basically, they're a physical therapy game changer!
All out of link puns!